Things not to do in Bhutan
The Himalayan country of Bhutan is a kingdom which has a lot of rules which you need to keep in mind while traveling. Make sure you don’t break any of these rules to avoid getting fined or jailed while traveling around Bhutan.
Table of Contents
1. Disrespect the king or any member of the royal family:

The Bhutanese people have great respect for their royal family, and any disrespect towards them can be considered a serious offense.
2. Disregard cultural customs:

Bhutan is known for its rich cultural heritage and strong adherence to traditional customs and values. It is important to be respectful and mindful of local customs, such as dress code, behavior in religious sites, and social norms.
3. Engage in overt displays of affection:

Bhutanese society is quite conservative, and public displays of affection, such as kissing or hugging, are considered inappropriate. It is advisable to show restraint and respect for the local culture.
4. Disrupt religious ceremonies:

Buddhism is the predominant religion in Bhutan, and the Bhutanese take their religious practices very seriously. It is important to be respectful and observe silence during religious ceremonies or visits to temples and monasteries.
5. Engage in any form of political activism:

Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy, and any form of political activism or criticism of the government can be seen as a threat to the stability of the country. It is best to avoid engaging in any activities that may be perceived as political in nature.
6. Disregard environmental conservation:

Bhutan is known as the “Land of the Thunder Dragon,” and it takes great pride in its commitment to environmental protection. Littering, damaging natural resources, or engaging in any activities that harm the environment are strongly discouraged.
7. Disrespect local beliefs and superstitions:

Bhutanese people have various cultural beliefs and superstitions that are deeply ingrained in their everyday lives. It is important to be mindful and respectful of these beliefs, even if they may seem unusual or unfamiliar to outsiders.
8. Take photographs without permission:

While photography is generally allowed in Bhutan, it is considered polite to ask for permission before photographing individuals, especially monks or members of the royal family. It is also important to refrain from taking pictures during religious ceremonies or inside temples without explicit permission.
9. Smoke or consume tobacco in public spaces:

Bhutan is one of the few countries in the world that has banned the sale and consumption of tobacco. It is prohibited to smoke or consume tobacco products in public spaces, and violators may face fines or other penalties.
10. Disregard the rules for trekking and hiking:

Bhutan offers breathtaking landscapes and is a popular destination for trekking and hiking. However, it is important to follow designated routes, obtain necessary permits, and adhere to safety guidelines to ensure both personal safety and preservation of the natural environment.
11. Flying drone in Bhutan:

Yes drones are banned all over Bhutan and don’t even try to act smart and fly a drone on the quiet. It’s the kind of activity which will land you in a lot of trouble which includes a heavy fine and assured imprisonment. So when you plan a trip to Bhutan don’t even try flying your drone. Best would be not to even carry your drone to Bhutan.
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