10 things you learn while backpacking
Ever hear the quote Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer? Backpacking teaches you many things, both about the world and about yourself – that will eventually have an effect on your life. Travel in this form teaches life values, skills, languages or maybe even recipes. Most of these things you cannot learn in your comfort zone.
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Here is a list of 10 things you learn while backpacking-
1. Not to carry more than you need
While backpacking you can either pack light or be overburdened and paralyse your shoulders. You learn how to survive without so many things you thought you couldn’t live without. Backpacking teaches you to live with what you need, not with what you want.
2. Teaches you to be patient or
While backpacking you realize that nothing ever goes according to plan. You learn to be patient with the things that are out of your control be it extreme climate, transport delays, etc. Backpacking teaches you to not be patient with things like bad behavior, noisy roommates, etc.
3. To keep your complaints to yourself
There is no use in complaining while backpacking especially about stuff that nothing can be done about. “It’s too hot”, “The bus is taking too long”, “My feet hurt” constant cribbing and complains will only help to get the other backpackers irritated. This may also have a bad effect on the quality of the trip.
4. Makes you more tolerant
While you experience new cultures and meet different kinds of people, some who may not be very welcoming. You learn to respect these cultures and traditions even if you don’t agree with them after all you’re the guest.
5. Backpacking is Responsibility
While either in a group or alone one has to take care of their own belongings and do his or her own chores. This makes one more responsible and trustworthy. You learn to stand on your own feet and become independent.
6. Learn new recipes
While to different places and indulging with the locals, and staying with the locals, one can memorize ancient recipes and cooking techniques still used in rural country side.
7. Learn new languages
Spending time at a place far from home and communicating with the locals daily helps you pick up the local language. This helps you study about the culture as well as makes it easier to get around the place.
8. Learn new skills
If there is one thing you are never short of while it is time. In this time one can learn necessary skills like cooking, swimming, etc or maybe even to play and instrument, sport or even learning a new dance style.
9. Makes you confident
Backpacking gives you the confidence to meet and hang out with new people and also try out different stuff. This is very important as it helps you throughout your lifetime.
10. Live life your way
Backpacking makes one realize that life is too short to follow others and spend time making them happy; you learn to do what you want when you want. Your happiness becomes your first priority!
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