10 Mistakes to avoid in your 20s
Your 20s are all about making mistakes and learning from them. But if you end up making the same mistakes over and over again, it forms a pattern which will eventually cost you big time as life moves on. You will realise that the golden part of your life where you had time to build a better tomorrow has gone past you.
If you are in your 20s and reading this, then read it twice and analyse your life, so as to make it more constructive.
Table of Contents
-> Partying every weekend
We all love partying and being social. It’s a great thing to attend parties since you get to meet a lot of new people and freak out. But if you’re going for parties every weekend then you’re actually wasting a lot of time and money. You won’t feel the pinch in your 20s while your young and with no responsibilities. But life will catch up with you one day when you will realise that all those night outs were really not worth it.
-> Expensive dates
This is a common thing we all have gone through. We spend money on dates with people we are infatuated with while in our 20s for relationships which actually go nowhere. They end up burning a hole in our pocket without adding any long term value.
-> Costly bikes
Oh how we all love to show off in college and at our workplace with a new cool bike, be it a geared motorcycle or a scooter. The fact is that peer pressure gets the better of us most of the time. Just to compete is something which drives us to buy things we can’t afford using a credit card which eventually is a major liability to us. It keeps us enslaved to the 9 to 5 rat world job.
-> A hundred shoes
With e-commerce and global shipping at its all-time peak, there are many who love collecting shoes. While not realising that it’s a gimmick to make you spend and buy into your own spend trip because after you buy new shoes then you have to go out to show them off. And that involves spending money and those by default help the corporation wins again. Think about it, do you really need more than five pairs of shoes?
-> Marrying too quick could be a mistakes
Finding your soul mate or at least your so-called life partner and getting married to them is a beautiful part of life’s journey. But getting married too soon has its own flaws. It adds a lot of responsibilities and changes the way you look at life. Since now you have to think about life as minimum two as opposed to just living life on your own terms.
-> Eating out
The miscellaneous expense which has plagued us ever since the dawn of the food delivery apps. With all the offers dashed out, we end up ordering more often than we need to. This is honestly something which backfires on our savings and budget. So rather than giving in to the marketing gimmicks and letting your money bleed think wisely.
-> Student loans
We all think we need them and that’s the only way we will have a better future which will give us a better life. But a student loan is just a very smart gimmick by the corporation to get you into a credit cycle where you owe the system money and hence need a job that gives you the money to pay back that loan. The sad thing about life in the WiFi era is that they don’t ever tell us that the purpose of life is to chase freedom from the money cycle and not to settle for money.
-> Lack of direction
Something we all struggle with in our late teens and early 20s. Just make sure you find your calling before your 20s are over. The major reason why many don’t ever end up finding direction in life is that they chase money and honestly money can never be anyone’s calling in life. Finding direction is to find a way to do what you love and at the same time make money and be at peace with life.
-> No savings
Living life to the fullest without having any kind of financial savings is something which will have a bad ripple effect on your life when things don’t go as per your plan in life. In the words of Warren Buffet saving is “Not what’s left after you are done spending but that you keep aside before you start spending.” Post this pandemic, it’s important to live life looking at it as the worst-case and thus keeping savings is a very important part of the journey.
-> Not travelling
The best way to learn about life is to travel. It’s the only open book that teaches you by throwing you out of your comfort zone and that’s something which pushes us to become better. The life lessons you will gain by living life on the road and by that we mean unconventional travel in the form of backpacking where you actually travel around like a local and experience the life of the place first hand. Dedicate your 20s to travel as much as you can around the country and world.
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