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hill stations

Hill stations travel with kids across India: 10 superb dos and don’ts

Traveling with kids to hill stations in India can be a wonderful experience, but it requires some planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

DO of travelling to hill stations:

  1. Plan ahead: Book your accommodations, transportation, and activities in advance to avoid last-minute hassles.
  2. Pack wisely: Pack comfortable clothing, layers for changing weather, and essential items like diapers, formula, and medication.
  3. Prepare your kids: Talk to your kids about the trip, show them pictures of the hill station, and explain what they can expect.
  4. Bring entertainment: Bring books, games, and other activities to keep your kids entertained during travel and downtime.
  5. Eat healthy: Pack healthy snacks and encourage your kids to eat nutritious meals.
  6. Stay hydrated: Bring plenty of water and encourage your kids to drink regularly, especially at high altitudes.
  7. Respect local culture: Teach your kids to respect local customs and traditions.
  8. Take breaks: Take regular breaks during travel and activities to avoid fatigue and tantrums.
  9. Capture memories: Take plenty of photos and videos to capture memories of your trip.
  10. Be flexible: Be prepared for unexpected changes in plans or weather conditions.

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DON’T while travelling to hill stations:

hill stations
  1. Don’t overpack: Avoid overpacking, as it can be overwhelming for kids and cause unnecessary stress.
  2. Don’t underestimate altitude sickness: If you’re traveling to high-altitude hill stations, be aware of the risks of altitude sickness and take necessary precautions.
  3. Don’t forget essential items: Don’t forget essential items like diapers, formula, and medication, especially if you’re traveling with infants or toddlers.
  4. Don’t leave kids unattended: Always keep a close eye on your kids, especially in crowded areas or near steep slopes.
  5. Don’t rush through activities: Allow your kids time to enjoy activities and take breaks when needed.
  6. Don’t expect too much from kids: Be realistic about what you can expect from your kids during the trip, and don’t push them too hard.
  7. Don’t neglect safety: Always prioritize safety when traveling with kids, especially near roads, water bodies, or steep slopes.
  8. Don’t overindulge in food: Encourage your kids to try new foods, but avoid overindulging in sweets or unhealthy snacks.
  9. Don’t forget sun protection: Apply sunscreen regularly, wear hats, and encourage your kids to stay hydrated during outdoor activities.
  10. Don’t forget to relax: Traveling with kids can be stressful, but remember to relax and enjoy the experience with your family.
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By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure a fun and memorable trip to the hill stations in India with your kids!

hill stations

What a wonderful idea! North India is home to some of the most beautiful and popular hill stations, perfect for a family trip with kids.

Best hill stations in North India to travel with kids:

1. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh: Shimla is a popular hill station in North India, known for its beautiful views, toy train, and scenic walks. Kids can enjoy the Kufri Fun World amusement park, Jakhu Temple, and the Ridge.

2. Mussoorie, Uttarakhand: Mussoorie is a charming hill station with stunning views of the Himalayas. Kids can enjoy the camel’s back view, Kempty Falls, and the Mall Road. Don’t miss the Lal Tibba for a panoramic view.

3. Nainital, Uttarakhand: Nainital is a beautiful lake town with stunning views of the Himalayas. Kids can enjoy the Naini Lake, Snow View Point, and the Tiffin Top. Don’t miss the Nainital Zoo and the Bhim Tal Lake.

4. Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh: Dharamshala is a peaceful hill station surrounded by the Dhauladhar ranges. Kids can enjoy the McLeod Ganj market, Triund Hill trek, and the Dalai Lama Temple.

hill stations

5. Manali, Himachal Pradesh: Manali is a popular hill station in North India, known for its adventure activities like rafting, paragliding, and skiing. Kids can enjoy the Solang Valley, Rohtang Pass, and the Manali Zoo.

6. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh: Kullu is a charming hill station in North India, known for its beautiful valleys and scenic walks. Kids can enjoy the River Rafting, Hot Water Springs, and the Kullu Valley.

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7. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh: Chamba is a historic town in North India, known for its beautiful temples and scenic views. Kids can enjoy the Laxmi Narayan Temple, Chamunda Devi Temple, and the Chand Mahadev Temple.

8. Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh: Kasauli is a charming hill station in North India, known for its scenic views and peaceful atmosphere. Kids can enjoy the Monkey Point Trek, Sunpoint Trek, and the Kasauli Hill Station.

hill stations

9. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Darjeeling is a popular hill station in North India, known for its tea plantations and scenic views. Kids can enjoy the Toy Train Ride, Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, and the Tiger Hill.

10. Lansdowne, Uttarakhand: Lansdowne is a charming hill station in North India, known for its peaceful atmosphere and scenic views. Kids can enjoy the Garhwali Museum, Tip n Top Viewpoint, and the St John’s Church.

These are just a few of the many amazing hill stations in North India that are perfect for traveling with kids. Each destination has its own unique charm and attractions that are sure to make your family trip unforgettable!

What a wonderful idea! South India is home to some of the most beautiful and scenic hill stations, perfect for a family trip with kids.

Best hill stations in South India to travel with kids:

1. Ooty, Tamil Nadu: Ooty is a popular hill station in South India, known for its beautiful lake, scenic views, and toy train. Kids can enjoy the Ooty Lake, Botanical Garden, and the Nilgiri Mountain Railway.

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2. Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu: Kodaikanal is a charming hill station in South India, known for its scenic views, waterfalls, and trekking trails. Kids can enjoy the Bear Shola Falls, Dolphin’s Nose, and the Kodaikanal Lake.

hill stations

3. Munnar, Kerala: Munnar is a beautiful hill station in South India, known for its tea plantations, scenic views, and trekking trails. Kids can enjoy the Munnar Tea Gardens, Mattupetty Dam, and the Echo Point.

4. Coonoor, Tamil Nadu: Coonoor is a charming hill station in South India, known for its scenic views, tea estates, and trekking trails. Kids can enjoy the Sim’s Park, Lamb’s Rock, and the Coonoor Lake.

5. Yercaud, Tamil Nadu: Yercaud is a charming hill station in South India, known for its scenic views, orchards, and trekking trails. Kids can enjoy the Pagoda Point, Lady’s Seat Viewpoint, and the Yercaud Lake.

6. Kodaikanal Lake View Point, Tamil Nadu: This viewpoint offers stunning views of the Kodaikanal Lake and is perfect for kids to enjoy the scenic beauty.

hill stations

7. Nilgiri Hills, Tamil Nadu: The Nilgiri Hills are a popular tourist destination in South India, known for its scenic views, trekking trails, and wildlife sanctuaries. Kids can enjoy the Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary and the Nilgiri Mountain Railway.

8. Valparai, Tamil Nadu: Valparai is a charming hill station in South India, known for its scenic views, waterfalls, and trekking trails. Kids can enjoy the Sholayar Dam Viewpoint, Athirapally Waterfalls, and the Valparai Hills.

9. Madikeri, Karnataka: Madikeri is a charming hill station in South India, known for its scenic views, coffee plantations, and trekking trails. Kids can enjoy the Abbi Falls, Dubare Elephant Camp, and the Madikeri Fort.

10. Yelagiri Hill Station, Tamil Nadu: Yelagiri is a charming hill station in South India, known for its scenic views, trekking trails, and waterfalls. Kids can enjoy the Yelagiri Lake Viewpoint, Jalagamparai Waterfalls, and the Swami Malai Hill Temple.

These are just a few of the many amazing hill stations in South India that are perfect for traveling with kids. Each destination has its own unique charm and attractions that are sure to make your family trip unforgettable!

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