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Tips n Tricks

Cycling in Bhandardara

5 Practical ways to largely improve yourself

Improvement is making something or yourself more better than before. Improving can be said as the development of something to make it better. Self-improvement is when you improve your knowledge, character or status it is said as self-improvement. Through self-improvement, we can know our strengths and weaknesses and can work on them.  To become a […]

Chess at tyrb Bhandardara

5 Fun ways to manage holiday stress

A holiday is a period of time when a person is free from school, college or from their jobs. Some people enjoy their holidays by going out somewhere on vacations, some people enjoy their holidays by staying at their homes, while some people make other plans like joining some academy, learning a new language, learn […]

Rewalsar dhaba

Dhabas: The Authentic flavour of Rewalsar

After spending my entire day working with my Gopro and walking down the streets of Rewalsar, I was very tired and hungry so, I decided to visit a Dhaba instead of some fancy restaurant. I heard a lot from my friends that in Rewalsar if somebody wants to have a feel of freshly prepared home-made […]

8 Easy Checklist for camping with your dog

Have you wanted to take your dog out camping with you? Don’t you think it would be awesome? Here is a checklist of all the things necessary to carry while taking them out camping.  Food This one’s a no brainer, right? But it’s very different from feeding them at home and feeding them outside. The […]

Triune camping

Camping in the rain

So you’ve planned your next family camping trip and you just learned that it is expected to rain. What should you do? Cancel the trip? Move it to a different date? Go and hope for the best? Don’t worry, rain does not have to ruin your camping trip. Camping in the rain can actually be […]

Dawki camping

5 Useful Must have while camping

After a lot of research, we’ve come up with a few of the best camping hacks you’ll ever need to know. I’m sure everyone can relate to when you wished you had known the hack for getting a fire started or simply trying to keep it from going off, well the best option here is […]

Alleppey Houseboat stay: 24 hours experience

While in the town of Alleppey, the must-do is spending a night or two on the backwaters in a houseboat. The journey starts at around 11 am and ends the next day at around the same time. Be sure to bargain for a good deal while you fix your houseboat stay. The stay includes lunch, […]

Bhandardara camping

10 tips for the solo camper

Camping solo is super fun, but here are some guidelines which need to be considered while camping alone. 1. Pick the right campsite solo travel Choosing the right campsite is crucial with respect to the experience you want out of the trip. Make sure you pick a known campsite which is accessible 365 days a […]

9 clever camping hacks

Camping is all about being in the lap of nature and slogging it out in rustic style. The ‘do it yourself’ motto is what draws lovers of camping to the idea.  Here are some smart and easy ways to make camping less stressful and more fun when out in the midst of nature and wilderness. […]

Yolo camping Kasol

9 health benefits of camping

While camping is a great leisure and a perfect way to relax, the experience also has a number of health pros. Being in the lap of nature and in sync with how man originally lived has a lot of benefits. Here are some of them. 1. Inhale fresh air When you spend time around a […]

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