10 great ways to keep yourself motivated while hiking
Every human being on this planet has once in their lifetime felt the need to experience a trip which entails an adventure. Hiking is one of the most popular forms of adventure activities where a person walks and explores for elongated periods of time and distances. It proves to be a great physical activity and has various health and mental health benefits. Hiking trails usually wind through a wide range of terrain types like grassy plains, steep mountains and rocky shores. These trails present the best views mother nature has to offer.
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However, hiking can be tedious and many people tend to lose motivation halfway through the trail. This makes them crib about circumstances and body pains. It gets difficult to hike through the negative vibes thrown off by the complainer. So the question that arises is, how do you keep yourself or someone else motivated throughout the hike?
Here are 10 ways to keep yourself motivated whilst hiking :
Stay Hydrated while hiking
Hydration is one of the most overlooked reasons for lack of motivation. When you’re dehydrated, it becomes a difficult task not only for your brain to think, but also for your limbs to walk. The body faces fatigue-like situations and lacks strength to continue further. Constantly staying hydrated along the course of the hike helps the body be strong. Hiking also serves as a great activity for the group where you can fill your bottles from nearby flowing freshwater streams. The more water you drink, the more you’ll be able to converse with your friends and stay motivated.

Singing / Humming / Listening to music
Music always lightens the mood in any situation. Carrying a portable speaker and jamming to some songs during hikes is an awesome mood booster and always keeps the group’s motivation elevated. In other instances, humming a popular song always helps control breathing and distracts your mind from the amount of trail left to cover. Certain popular songs motivate you and you end up singing along to a merry time.
Enjoy the view while hiking
Focusing on the views around instead of how long it will take to reach helps clear foggy minds. It makes you alert and you can take the pleasure of enjoying the most astonishing scenery. You tend to notice the little details around you and of your friends.
Pause for snack breaks
Snacking during a hike is important to gain strength to complete the rest of the trail. One can stop for more than once along the way to engage in a light as well as carbs and protein rich snacking. It also brings the group together for a snack time session where everyone can get talking. Eating something along the way also motivates you to move forward.

Make friends along the way
If you travel alone, be sure to be part of a group whilst hiking along dangerous trails. Also to make the mood lighter, it helps to make friends with the people around you. Hearing their stories as well as sharing your own, passes the time and keeps you motivated throughout the journey.
Interact with the nature around you
One can indulge in many activities along the trail of a forest hike. From fishing to rappelling, amateur to professional, all types of activities can be conducted in between the hike. It gives people a chance to take a break as well as have fun along the way to the destination.
Pull yourself away from negative thoughts
Self-pitying or overthinking have been major factors to lack of motivation along long hikes. People tend to complain and stop frequently, while some make excuses to go back. It usually occurs when the individual has a negative thought about the entire decision to make it through to the trip. The mind goes awry and it makes you lose focus of the potential dangers around. Keeping calm by counting, breathing or singing one can keep negative thoughts at bay which in turn motivates you to do better.

Carry a fidgeting gadget
A fidgeting gadget is an essential tool if you’re one of the anxious ones going on a hike. To keep negative thoughts and emotions away, the fidgeter will help. Toys like a fidget button, spinner as well as a switch will aid in calming your nerves down. It also raises motivation levels since you’re busy focusing on the fidget gadget rather than focusing on the difficulty of the hike.
Control your breathing
Breath control is necessary for an easy hike. If you’re going for a hike without proper exercise, it may become a difficult task to complete the journey ahead. Gasping for air is a major demotivator since you’re struggling to breathe normally. Exercises like jumping jacks, jogging or the surya namaskar before your hike is a great way to warm up. They also serve as a great mood booster and increase the serotonin levels of the brain, significantly reducing stress levels.

Don’t be in a hurry
Never, ever be in a rush to complete the hike. It puts unwanted stress on the mind and body which in turn can be harmful both physically and mentally, especially for people new to these types of activities. Taking it slow the first time is always advisable to let your mind and body gradually adjust to the surroundings. You also feel motivated and are encouraged to look around thus taking in all the stimuli mother nature has to offer.
These are some of the ways through which you can self-motivate yourself whilst hiking. They will help make sure you’re never demotivated. Happy Hiking!
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