The Fairy Forest Heavenly Village: Pulga Parvati Valley
A place not to miss for a backpacker in search of some peace while in Himachal Pradesh is the village of Pulga Parvati Valley which is situated at a height of 9498 feet above sea level (2895 m). For one to reach Pulga the best option is to take a local HRTC bus to Bharsheni which is the last stop in Parvati Valley.
Once in Bharsheni the only option to reach the village of Pulga is to walk it out from there. One has to walk down the dam construction and over a bridge and walk heading towards a white colour Shiva temple. From there it is just a 45-minute walk along a village path that takes one through lush green pastures and a small forest area. After about 20 minutes into the walk there is a three-way junction where there is a small wooden power plant located which is not in use anymore from there to reach the village of Pulga Parvati Valley takes the path leading to the right over a foot over bridge.

Once in the village, the first thing one will notice is plenty of wooden houses which are uniquely built and most of them have wooden logs stored near the house which are used as firewood and for multiple purposes throughout the year. The village has plenty of open pastures with greenery all around the place and tea plantation is their main source of income along with animal husbandry.
Pulga Parvati Valley Village
A walk through the Pulga Parvati Valley village is a must and one will get to see children of all ages playing and having a good time in whatever game they are playing be it cricket or even just running around the place. At the heart of the village is a temple of their lord Narayan this is generally the place where the older villagers of Pulga gather after a day of work to spend time with each other.
In the morning in Pulga Parvati Valley it is a very common sight to see foreign travellers sitting together and having a cup of tea while singing praises to the gods. These foreigners stay in the village for months on end and almost seamlessly amalgamate into the culture of the people of Pulga.
Accommodation in Pulga Parvati Valley village is very limited with just a couple of mid-range fancy motels which offer WiFi and a couple of budget lodges are also available, there is one which is made of wood and has mud walls and dung flooring and presents a very different stay. Since travellers have just started to visit this village the lodges and motels in Pulga are at the far end of the village with the tea plantation all around it.

There are also a couple of restaurants in the village that serve some really good food but mostly their catering is to the tastes of foreign travellers. The only Indian food available is dal, paneer and potato dishes.
Pulga is a great place to visit only for Backpackers and travelers to find one’s soul. Waking up every morning to the breath-taking view of the Himalayas in the distance and beautiful tea fields below is a refreshing and heavenly experience.

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