Best games to play on a family road trip
A family road trip sometimes should be more than just music, songs, and long drives, a few games can be included in the mix. Road trips can be long, so it’s important to have entertaining games to keep the whole family engaged and make the journey more enjoyable. Here are some of the best games to play on a road trip with your family:
Table of Contents
1. The License Plate Game:
Look for license plates from different states or countries and try to spot as many as you can. Keep track of the states or countries you find and see who can spot the most unique ones.
2. I Spy:
One person chooses an object and says “I spy with my little eye something [colour/starting letter/category],” and other family members take turns guessing what it might be.
3. 20 Questions:
One person thinks of an object, and others can ask up to 20 yes-or-no questions to try and guess what it is. The trick is to ask strategic questions to narrow down the possibilities.
4. Name That Tune:
Play snippets of songs from your playlist or the radio and see who can guess the title and artist first. This game is perfect for music lovers in the family.
5. Would You Rather:
Take turns asking each other fun and thought-provoking “Would you rather” questions. It’s a great way to learn more about each other and spark some interesting discussions.
6. Categories:
Choose a category, such as animals, food, or cities, and take turns going alphabetically naming objects within that category. For example, if the category is animals, start with “A” and say “Antelope,” then the next person says “Bear,” and so on.
7. Storytelling:
Start a story with a few sentences and then have each family member take turns adding to it. Let creativity flow as the story unfolds and see where it goes!
8. The Alphabet Game:
Starting with the letter “A,” people take turns finding words on road signs or billboards that begin with each subsequent letter of the alphabet. The goal is to complete the alphabet before reaching your destination.
9. Sharing Jokes on a Road Trip:
Share jokes or riddles with each other and have a laugh along the way.
10. Mad Libs:
Bring a Mad Libs book or find printable versions online. Family members take turns providing different parts of speech to fill in the blanks of a humorous story. The result is a hilarious and sometimes nonsensical tale.
Remember to consider your family’s interests and age range when selecting games. Additionally, always prioritise safety and avoid games that may distract the driver. Have fun and make lasting memories on your road trip!