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Dawki in the rain

Meghalaya in July: 12 super Reasons to Visit 

Meghalaya, a state in northeastern India, is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and unique festivals. Visiting Meghalaya in July can be a wonderful experience, with plenty of exciting events and activities to enjoy. Here are 12 reasons to visit Meghalaya in July:

1. Shad Suk Mynsiem in Meghalaya:

A traditional Khasi festival celebrated in July, Shad Suk Mynsiem is a colorful and vibrant celebration of music, dance, and culture. It’s a great opportunity to experience the rich cultural heritage of the region.

2. Clouded Leopard National Park:

July is the perfect time to visit this national park, as the weather is warm and humid, making it ideal for spotting the elusive clouded leopard and other rare species.

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3. Khasi Hills:

The Khasi Hills are a must-visit in July, with lush green forests, sparkling waterfalls, and scenic valleys. Take a trek or hike through the hills to experience the breathtaking natural beauty.

4. Umiam Lake:

A popular tourist spot in the state, Umiam Lake is a beautiful spot for boating, fishing, and picnicking. The lake is surrounded by lush green hills and offers stunning views.

5. Cherrapunji:

Meghalaya cherrapunji Meghalaya cherrapunji

Known as the wettest place on earth, Cherrapunji is a must-visit in July, when the rainforest is lush and green. Take a trek to the nearby waterfalls and enjoy the scenic views.

See also  Hunder Village: A Hidden Gem in Ladakh

6. Nongkhnum Island:

This beautiful island on Lake Umiam offers stunning views of the surrounding hills and is a great spot for boating and fishing.

7. Mawsynram:

Visit Mawsynram in July to experience the heaviest rainfall in the world. The area is covered in lush green forests, and the sound of raindrops on the leaves is a unique experience.

8. Shillong Peak:

The highest peak in the state offers stunning views of the surrounding hills and valleys. Take a trek to the top or enjoy a picnic with family and friends.

9. Caves:

Meghalaya caves

Meghalaya is home to many caves, including the famous Mawsmai Cave. Visit these caves in July to experience the unique formations of stalactites and stalagmites.

10. Festivals:

July is a great time to experience the local festivals and celebrations in the state. Visit the local markets to try local food and drinks, and enjoy the music and dance performances.

11. Wildlife:

Meghalaya is home to many rare species of animals and birds. Visit the state’s wildlife sanctuaries in July to spot these animals up close.

12. Adventure activities:

Kayaking in Dawki

July is a great time to enjoy adventure activities like trekking, hiking, rock climbing, and rappelling in Meghalaya’s beautiful hills and valleys.

Overall, visiting Meghalaya in July can be a unique and exciting experience. The region’s lush green forests, stunning natural beauty, and rich cultural heritage make it an ideal destination for adventure seekers and nature lovers alike.

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