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June 27, 2024
Sri Lanka thali

Discover the 15 Flavors of Sri Lanka: Awesome Food Guide

Sri Lanka is a culinary paradise, with a diverse range of local dishes that showcase the island’s rich cultural heritage. From spicy curries to sweet desserts, Sri Lankan cuisine is a reflection of the country’s unique history and geography. Here are some must-try local foods to indulge in during your visit: 1. Sri Lanka Hoppers […]

South india

15 Monsoon places to visit in South India

The South Indian monsoon is a seasonal weather pattern that brings significant rainfall to the southern part of the Indian subcontinent, particularly to the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. The monsoon season in South India typically begins in June and lasts until September, with the peak rainfall occurring in July and […]

Rishikesh solo traveler

Solo Traveler Guide For A Scared 1st Timer

Congratulations on taking the leap and deciding to embark on your first solo traveler adventure! This is an exciting and liberating experience that can be life-changing. As a first-time solo traveler, you may feel a mix of emotions – excitement, nervousness, and uncertainty. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the process and […]

malshej ghat monsoon

Malshej Ghat, Maharashtra : Guide & Facts 2024

Malshej Ghat is a mountain pass located in the Thane district of Maharashtra, India. It is a popular trekking destination, especially during the monsoon season, and is known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Here are some more details Geography and Climate: * Malshej Ghat is situated at an elevation of 700 […]

Himahcal pradesh

15 Fun monsoon weekend trips from New Delhi’

From the scenic hill stations of Mussoorie and Nainital to the spiritual retreats of Rishikesh and Haridwar, there are plenty of options to escape the heat and chaos of Delhi during the monsoon season. Other popular destinations include the picturesque town of Kasauli, the sacred city of Varanasi, and the tranquil hill station of Dharamshala.

Leh Ladakh’s Hidden Gems: Offbeat Destinations and Experiences

Leh Ladakh is a popular destination in the Himalayas, known for its breathtaking landscapes, Buddhist monasteries, and adventure activities. While many tourists flock to the more popular destinations like Pangong Lake and Nubra Valley, there are many hidden gems that are off the beaten path and waiting to be discovered. Here are some offbeat destinations […]


15 Fun Things To Do In Ballia, Uttar Pradesh

Ballia: A City of Rich History and Culture Ballia is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. With a history dating back to the 12th century, Ballia has been a significant center of trade, commerce, and culture. Ballia: A City of Ghats and Temples […]

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