How to reach Prashar Lake
Prashar lake is located in Mandi District.
Prashar lake is situated at an altitude of 8960ft
There is one local bus daily from Mandi bus stand.
The bus stops at the lake parking for 2 hours.
Prasahar lake is located 49km from Mandi town.
Hiring a taxi is the best way to reach the lake.
Taxi from Mandi is the most affordable.
There is no accommodation near the lake.
Camping is the only option by the lake side.
Small dhabas & eating joints are setup for food
Best time to visit is during the dry season.
Winter & Monsoon the lake is not accessible.
Summer April to June is the best time to visit.
Alcohol is strictly prohibited near the lake.
Leave in the morning by 8am for the perfect lake visit.
Prashar lake is the perfect day picnic in Mandi District.