How To Reach Gokarna From Mumbai
Gokarna town is located 720km from Mumbai
The nearest airport is in Goa.
Nearest railways station is Gokarna Road & Kumta
One daily direct train from Mumbai to Gokarna road.
Train no 12619
Matsyagandha Express
LTT to Gokarna Road
Train tickets need to be booked 30-60 days in advance.
From the train station you can take a Auto Rickshaw or a local bus
to Gokarna town.
The Bus stop is walking distance from the railway station.
Train travel takes around 11-12 hours from Mumbai to Gokarna/ Kumta
Bus station is Gokarna cross
Daily overnight buses from Mumbai to Gokarna cross.
Travel time by bus is around 12-14 hours.
Train ticket from Mumbai to Gokarna Non AC sleeper cost ₹475-600
Train ticket from Mumbai to Gokarna
AC sleeper cost ₹1300
Bus ticket from Mumbai to Gokarna
AC sleeper cost ₹1500-3000 (based on season)
Best Time to Visit Gokarna is from October to March