How to reach Chandartal lake in Spiti Valley
Chandartal Lake is located 112km from Manali.
Chandartal lake is only accessible during summers.
The best season to visit Chandartal lake is June to September
There is no HRTC bus to Chandartal lake
Hiring a taxi / self driving is the only option.
Need to cross Atal tunnel to enter Spiti valley
Click on this text for Spiti Valley road trips starting @ INR 18,000/PP
Kunzum pass also needs to be crossed to reach Chandartal lake
The closest town to Chandartal is Lossar @ 40km
23km is the distance from the main road
Last 1.5km is a walk to the lake. No vehicles are allowed.
Have to cross 2 water points along the way.
Camping is the only way to stay the night
Always start by 6am latest to reach Chandartal.
A taxi to Chandartal will cosy anywhere between 15-20k for a return trip 2N/3D
Self drive only if you are a pro with the car.