9 Things losers say
Whenever you see someone failing at something your mind comes to a conclusion that the person is a loser. It reminds you of the time where you fail to carry out some task even after trying hard and you remember how you got treated when that happened. You can distinguish a loser on that sole point as to where the determination to win at a task ends.
A loser doesn’t have enough motivation to carry out a task and just does it for the heck of it. Sometimes they crib about life being unfair to them and sometimes they bring out their ace excuse of someone being lucky not knowing that the person put in hard work and effort to reach there.
Losers have a lot of excuses to make and so they tend to be in a state of helplessness. Here are some of them:
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1) I don’t have time
A loser does have time for anything but to laze around and try to look like they are working hard. They work as slow as a koala and you will hardly see them behind the desk working on something new. Whenever a loser is asked for a task to be done or to help someone to do it they will never say ‘Yes’ upfront but refuse saying they are piled up with work.
2) I can’t do it
A loser who doesn’t like to work will always find a way to make a task look like it’s not easy and is out of their league. When given a small task they will take an ample amount of time to get started and thus getting stuck to that task for days and when the deadline comes they will give unnecessary excuses as to why it was not completed on time.
3) I’ll do it tomorrow
For a loser, tomorrow is an unrealistic space in time which never comes but always there when they need to get away from their work. They love to spend their time thinking about tomorrow rather than living in the present moment.
4) They are very lucky
In their work environment if someone excels, they always criticize other people’s success rather than working hard for their own good. In their eyes whoever succeeds in their work it’s all because of their relationship with the boss and not the time and work they put into it.
5) I have bad luck
A loser will always look for reasons to blame their luck to be bad. Whenever someone gets a promotion, they will spread the word like a wildfire of how lucky that person got and that their luck is so good.
6) I quit
Winner, winner; chicken, dinner. Loser, loser; always a quitter. This phrase summarizes the thoughts of a loser. When they prolong their work every day and just days before the deadline they feel pressured because they were busy blaming and criticizing others. They decide to quit the task cribbing that they had no time to complete the task.
7) It’s not my fault
When faced with a problem in a team project or in general, a loser will raise their hands up and recite their mantra ‘it’s not my fault’ and shift the blame to other people instead of being accountable for their own mistakes because of which they faced a problem.
8) I love my comfort zone
For a loser everything is easy and jolly when it’s inside their comfort zone. If they are given a task or other things that don’t belong inside their comfort zone they will complain about it. They will find ways to make it look hard rather than make ways to do it easily.
9) That’s impossible
The task is not difficult but a loser will explain it to you why it’s impossible to do rather than find ways to break down the task into small bits which will make life easier. They are a Pro at making excuses when they don’t like to do certain task that requires too much for their time.