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marker stall with jewelry

Shopping in Bhutan: A traveller’s super 8 step how guide

Bhutan is a country known for its unique culture, pristine environment, and strict environmental regulations. When it comes to shopping, the nation offers a range of authentic and traditional products that are perfect for souvenirs or gifts. Here are some things to know about shopping in the country:

elderly man shopping at greengrocers

Traditional Products:

marker stall with jewelry
  • Handmade textiles: The nation is famous for its handmade textiles, which include colorful scarves, shawls, and garments. These textiles are made from natural fibers like silk, wool, and cotton.
  • Wooden handicrafts: The nation’s artisans are skilled in woodworking, and you can find beautiful wooden items like intricately carved masks, statues, and decorative boxes.
  • Handmade paper products: It is one of the few countries in the world where traditional paper-making is still practiced. You can find beautiful handmade paper products like notebooks, cards, and gift wrapping paper.
  • Spices and tea: The nation is known for its high-quality spices and tea, which are perfect for cooking or as a gift.

Markets and Shopping Centers:

  • Thimphu Market: Thimphu Market is the largest market in the country, offering a wide range of products from traditional handicrafts to modern consumer goods.
  • Paro Market: Paro Market is another popular market in the nation, offering a range of products from local handicrafts to souvenirs.
  • Bhutan Handicrafts Emporium: This emporium is a government-run shop that offers a wide range of traditional Bhutanese handicrafts.
  • Druk Trading Company: This company is a popular destination for shopping in the country, offering a range of products from local handicrafts to imported goods.

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people shopping at bazaar

Shopping Regulations:

  • Export restrictions: There are restrictions on exporting certain products from the nation, such as antiques and certain types of handicrafts. Make sure to check with local authorities before making any purchases.
  • Customs duties: There may be customs duties on certain products when bringing them back to your home country. Make sure to check with your local customs office before making any purchases.
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Overall, shopping in the country is a unique and cultural experience that offers a chance to connect with the local community and support traditional artisans. By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable shopping experience in the nation.

Souvenir Shopping in Bhutan: A Guide to Unique and Authentic Gifts

It is a paradise for souvenir shopping, offering a wide range of unique and authentic products that reflect the country’s rich culture and heritage. Here are some tips and suggestions for souvenir shopping in Bhutan:

people walking on the street between buildings
Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric on Pexels.com

Traditional Textiles:

  • Handwoven scarves: The nation’s scarves are made from natural fibers like silk, wool, and cotton, and feature intricate patterns and designs.
  • Hand-knitted sweaters: Knitted sweaters are a popular souvenir in the country, made from wool or cotton, and often feature traditional designs.
  • Embroidered garments: Embroidered garments are a specialty of Bhutanese artisans, featuring intricate designs and patterns.

Wooden Handicrafts:

  • Hand-carved masks: The local masks are a popular souvenir, featuring intricate carvings and designs.
  • Wooden statues: Wooden statues of Buddhist deities, animals, and mythological figures are popular souvenirs.
  • Handmade wooden boxes: Handmade wooden boxes are a unique souvenir, featuring intricate carvings and designs.

Paper Products:

  • Handmade paper notebooks: The local paper products are made from traditional paper-making techniques, featuring unique textures and designs.
  • Handmade paper cards: Handmade paper cards are a popular souvenir, featuring traditional designs and messages.
  • Handmade paper wrapping paper: Handmade paper wrapping paper is a unique souvenir, featuring traditional designs and patterns.
Bhutan fertility temple

Other Souvenirs:

  • Ceramics: The local ceramics are a popular souvenir, featuring traditional designs and motifs.
  • Jewelry: The nation’s jewelry is a unique souvenir, featuring traditional designs and motifs.
  • Tea: The local tea is a popular souvenir, featuring unique flavors and blends.

Shopping Tips:

  • Authenticity: Make sure to buy authentic products from local artisans or shops. Avoid buying counterfeit products.
  • Quality: Be prepared to pay for high-quality products. In the nation, quality is often more important than price.
  • Respect: Be respectful of the local culture and traditions when shopping in Bhutan. Avoid taking pictures or making loud noises.
  • Negotiation: Bargaining is a common practice in the country. Be prepared to negotiate prices.
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  • Ngultrum (Nu): The official currency of Bhutan is the Ngultrum (Nu). Credit cards are not widely accepted in Bhutan, so it’s best to have cash on hand.

By following these tips and suggestions, you can find unique and authentic souvenirs in Bhutan that reflect the country’s rich culture and heritage.

Gold Shopping in Bhutan: A Guide to Unique and Authentic Gold Products

close up of coin

Bhutan is a paradise for gold shopping, offering a wide range of unique and authentic gold products that reflect the country’s rich culture and heritage. Here are some tips and suggestions for gold shopping in Bhutan:

Traditional Gold Products:

  • Handmade gold jewelry: Bhutanese artisans are skilled in creating handmade gold jewelry featuring intricate designs and patterns.
  • Gold coins: Bhutanese gold coins are a popular souvenir, featuring unique designs and motifs.
  • Gold pendants: Gold pendants are a popular choice among tourists, featuring traditional designs and motifs.
  • Gold earrings: Gold earrings are a popular choice among tourists, featuring traditional designs and motifs.
gold global plates
Photo by Michael Steinberg on Pexels.com

Unique Gold Products:

  • Gold-dusted textiles: Bhutanese textiles are known for their intricate designs and patterns, and some products are even dusted with gold for added luxury.
  • Gold-embroidered garments: Gold-embroidered garments are a specialty of Bhutanese artisans, featuring intricate designs and patterns.
  • Gold-encrusted masks: Bhutanese masks are a popular souvenir, featuring intricate designs and patterns, and some are even encrusted with gold.


  • Customs duties: There may be customs duties on certain products when bringing them back to your home country. Make sure to check with your local customs office before making any purchases.
  • Value-added tax (VAT): There may be VAT on certain products. Make sure to check with the shopkeeper before making any purchases.

By following these tips and suggestions, you can find unique and authentic gold products in Bhutan that reflect the country’s rich culture and heritage.

iPhone Shopping in Bhutan: A Guide to Buying the Latest Apple Devices


Bhutan is a relatively new market for Apple products, and the availability of iPhones and other Apple devices is limited. However, with the increasing popularity of smartphones, it’s possible to find iPhones and other Apple devices in Bhutan, especially in the capital city of Thimphu. Here are some tips and suggestions for buying iPhones and other Apple devices in Bhutan:

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Where to Buy iPhones:

  • Thimphu Market: Thimphu Market is the largest market in Bhutan, and you can find a few shops selling Apple devices, including iPhones.
  • Druk Trading Company: This company is a popular destination for shopping in Bhutan, and they usually have a limited selection of Apple devices, including iPhones.
  • Bhutan Handicrafts Emporium: This government-run shop offers a range of traditional Bhutanese handicrafts, but they also occasionally have a few Apple devices on display.
  • Online Retailers: You can also try online retailers like Daraz or Olx, which often have a selection of Apple devices available for purchase.


  • Official Price: The official price of iPhones in Bhutan can vary depending on the model and storage capacity. For example, the latest iPhone 13 Pro model starts at around Nu 120,000 (approximately USD 1,700).
  • Market Price: However, you may be able to find cheaper options on the market from unofficial sellers or second-hand stores. Prices can vary widely depending on the condition and authenticity of the device.


  • Authenticity: Make sure to buy from authorized dealers or reputable sellers to ensure the authenticity of the product.
  • Quality: Be prepared to pay for high-quality products. In Bhutan, quality is often more important than price.
  • Respect: Be respectful of the local culture and traditions when shopping in Bhutan. Avoid taking pictures or making loud noises.
  • Negotiation: Bargaining is a common practice in Bhutan. Be prepared to negotiate prices.
man in red robe sitting beside green metal fence

Language Barrier:

  • Language: English is not widely spoken in Bhutan, so it’s recommended to learn some basic Dzongkha phrases or bring a translation guide with you.
  • Communication: Try to communicate with shopkeepers and sellers using simple gestures and body language. You can also ask for assistance from your hotel or tour guide.

Other Considerations:

  • Warranty: Check if the seller offers any warranty or after-sales service for the device.
  • Customs Duties: There may be customs duties on certain products when bringing them back to your home country. Make sure to check with your local customs office before making any purchases.

By following these tips and suggestions, you can find iPhones and other Apple devices in Bhutan, but be prepared for a potentially limited selection and higher prices compared to other countries.

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