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Kolad, Maharashtra: No1 white-water rafting experience on the superb Kundalika River

Located in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, India, Kolad is a small village that’s fast gaining popularity among trekkers and nature enthusiasts. Nestled in the Western Ghats, it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, lush green forests, and sparkling waterfalls. In this blog, we’ll explore the best things to do and see in Kolad.

Why Visit Kolad?

It is a trekker’s paradise, with several trails that cater to different skill levels. The village is surrounded by the Sahyadri mountain range, which offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The region is also home to several waterfalls, rivers, and lakes, making it an ideal destination for water sports and activities.

Trekking Trails

It offers several trekking trails that range from easy to challenging. Here are some of the most popular trails:

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  1. Sudhagad Fort Trek: This trek takes you to the top of Sudhagad Fort, which offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  2. Purnagiri Peak Trek: This challenging trek takes you to the top of Purnagiri Peak, which offers breathtaking views of the Western Ghats.
  3. Kolad Waterfall Trek: This easy trek takes you through lush green forests and ends at the beautiful Kolad Waterfall.

Water Sports and Activities

It is a popular destination for water sports and activities, including:

  1. River Rafting: The River offers rapids suitable for rafting, making it a popular activity among adventure seekers.
  2. Fishing: The river and surrounding lakes are home to a variety of fish species, making fishing a popular activity.
  3. Kayaking: Kayaking is another popular activity here, offering a unique perspective on the surrounding landscape.
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Village Life

It is a rural village, and visitors can experience traditional Maharashtrian culture and hospitality by staying with local families or at homestays. The village is known for its delicious local cuisine, including dishes like misal pav and pithla bhakri.


It offers a range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly homestays to luxury resorts. Some popular options include:

  1. Kolad Village Resort: This resort offers comfortable rooms and suites, as well as a range of activities like trekking and fishing.
  2. EkoStay: This homestay offers a chance to experience traditional Maharashtrian culture and hospitality.
  3. Campkolad: This campsite offers tented accommodations and a range of activities like trekking and rock climbing.

Tips and Essentials

Before planning your trip to Kolad, here are some tips and essentials to keep in mind:

  1. Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Kolad is during the monsoon season (June to September), when the region is lush and green.
  2. Clothing: Pack comfortable clothing and shoes for trekking.
  3. Food: Try local cuisine like misal pav and pithla bhakri at local restaurants.
  4. Safety: Always carry a first-aid kit and stay hydrated while trekking.

Kolad is a hidden gem that’s waiting to be discovered. With its stunning natural beauty, challenging treks, and range of water sports and activities, it’s an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. So pack your bags and get ready to explore this beautiful region!

It’s a popular destination for trekking and outdoor enthusiasts, known for its lush green forests, waterfalls, and scenic views.

Here are some of the top attractions in and around Kolad:

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  1. Waterfalls: Kolad is home to several beautiful waterfalls, including the popular Varsoli Waterfall, which is about 100 feet high.
  2. Trekking: The region offers several trekking trails, ranging from easy to challenging, that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
  3. River Rafting: The Kolad River offers rapids suitable for rafting, making it a popular activity among adventure seekers.
  4. Fishing: The river and surrounding lakes are home to a variety of fish species, making fishing a popular activity.
  5. Village Life: Kolad is a rural village, and visitors can experience traditional Maharashtrian culture and hospitality by staying with local families or at homestays.
  6. Tambeshwar Temple: This ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is located near the village and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

To get to Kolad, you can take a train or bus from Mumbai or Pune to Roha, and then hire a taxi or auto-rickshaw to reach the village.

Overall, Kolad is a wonderful destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers who want to experience the beauty of rural Maharashtra!

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