Kashmiri words to help you travel better
There’s that famous song in pop culture that glorifies words and while travelling you realise how true it is. Knowing a language may not be possible but knowing a few words can be life saviours. Local languages in India are in plenty just as the terrain and regions are.

Kashmiri language, popularly known as ‘Koshur’ is spoken primarily in the Kashmir valley of Jammu and Kashmir. India has about five million languages in and around Kashmir and Chenab valley. It belongs to the Indo – Aryan language family under Dardic where Kashmiri comes from.
If you are planning to go to Kashmir in the coming future or even if you have visited the place already, these basic words will help you to communicate better in the
Kashmiri region.
1. Hello – the most basic greeting. It’s always helpful to know how this is said.
– Assalam ‘alaikum, if you are talking to Muslim.
– Namaskar, if you are talking to Hindu.
2. How are you? Shows concern and a good ice breaker
– Teuh chiv varai?
3. Thank you – Good to be courteous always.
– Me-Hur-Ba-e-Ni
4. Sorry –
– Maap’ keuriv
5. Please
– Ba-Lai La-Gai
6. Help!
– Ma-da-tha Ka-riva!
7. What’s your name?
– Çê kyāh chuy nāv?
8. My name is ….?
– Me chu nav….
9. I’m from…
– Biu ch’us… rozaan
10. Do you understand?
– Tvahi chaa phikiri taraan?
11. I understand
– Aaooee samajh
12. Do you speak English?
– Tohy chiva angrizi bolan?
13. Pleased to meet you
– Me sapiuz k’oshee twahu meelit
14. Have a good journey
– Nair khaudaayas havaal
15. Goodbye
– Khuda hafiz
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