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Goa Beach

Dos and don’ts about travelling to the beach with kids: 10 super pointers

A beach vacation with kids is a great idea. Here are some dos and don’ts to ensure a fun and safe trip:

Do while travelling to the beach with kids:

  1. Plan ahead: Check the weather forecast, the conditions, and tide times before heading out.
  2. Choose a family-friendly beach: Opt for a beach with gentle waves, shallow water, and amenities like restrooms, showers, and food stalls.
  3. Pack wisely: Bring sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, comfortable clothing, and a first-aid kit.
  4. Swim safety: Always supervise your kids while they’re in the water, and teach them basic water safety skills like floating and swimming.
  5. Teach beach etiquette: Teach your kids to respect the environment, not to litter, and to stay close to you.
  6. Bring water and snacks: Keep your kids hydrated and energized with water and healthy snacks.
  7. Take breaks: Give your kids breaks from the sun and water to rest and recharge.
  8. Be prepared for emergencies: Keep a phone nearby, and know the nearest hospital or lifeguard station.
  9. Encourage exploration: Allow your kids to explore the sand and learn about its ecosystem, but stay close by.
  10. Have fun!: Relax and enjoy the experience with your kids!

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  1. Don’t underestimate the sun: Protect your kids’ skin from the sun with sunscreen, hats, and clothing.
  2. Don’t leave them unattended: Always keep an eye on your kids, especially near water or in crowded areas.
  3. Don’t let them get too tired: Watch for signs of exhaustion and take breaks when needed.
  4. Don’t litter: Teach your kids to respect the environment and not to throw trash on the beach.
  5. Don’t forget sunscreen reapplication: Reapply sunscreen regularly to prevent sunburn.
  6. Don’t go swimming in rough seas: Check the tide times and weather conditions before swimming, and avoid swimming in rough or strong currents.
  7. Don’t feed wildlife: Don’t feed seagulls or other wildlife, as it can harm them and create messes.
  8. Don’t neglect first aid kits: Bring a first-aid kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.
  9. Don’t forget medication: If your kids have any medical conditions or allergies, don’t forget to pack their medication.
  10. Don’t rush: Take your time enjoying the beach experience with your kids; it’s a special moment!
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By following these dos and don’ts, you’ll be well-prepared for a fun and safe during your sandy vacation with your kids!


Beach locations in India

Here are some of the best beach destinations in India that are perfect for a family trip:

  1. Goa: Known for its laid-back vibe, beautiful sands, and water sports, Goa is a top destination for families. Must-visit beaches: Baga, Calangute, and Palolem.
  2. Kerala Backwaters: The backwaters of Kerala offer a unique experience with houseboats, backwater cruises, and scenic views. Must-visit destinations: Alleppey, Kochi, and Kumarakom.
  3. Andaman and Nicobar Islands: This union territory offers stunning places, coral reefs, and a chance to spot marine life. Must-visit destinations: Havelock Island, Neil Island, and Port Blair.
  4. Mahabalipuram: This ancient city on the east coast is famous for its beautiful places, rock-cut temples, and sculptural heritage. Must-visit beaches: Mahabalipuram Beach and Mamallapuram Beach.
  5. Puri: Located in Odisha, Puri is a sacred city with a beautiful beach and a rich cultural heritage. Must-visit attractions: Puri Beach, Jagannath Temple, and Konark Sun Temple.
  6. Digha: A popular destination in West Bengal, Digha is known for its scenic beaches, water sports, and sunset views. Must-visit beaches: Digha Beach and Udaipur Beach.
  7. Kovalam: Located in Kerala, Kovalam is a popular town with three crescent-shaped beaches and a range of water sports. Must-visit beaches: Kovalam Beach, Lighthouse Beach, and Hawah Beach.
  8. Cancolim: A charming coastal town in Goa, Cancolim is known for its beautiful beaches, waterfalls, and scenic views. Must-visit beaches: Cansaulim Beach and Utorda Beach.
  9. Varkala: Located in Kerala, Varkala is a picturesque beach town with a unique cliff-backed beach and scenic views. Must-visit attractions: Varkala Beach and Sivagiri Mutt.
  10. Marina Beach: One of the longest urban places in India, Marina Beach in Chennai is a must-visit destination for families. Must-visit attractions: Marina Beach, Kapaleeswarar Temple, and Fort St George.
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These destinations offer a mix of relaxation, adventure, and cultural experiences that are suitable for families with kids. Always plan ahead, book accommodations in advance, and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip!

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