The Ultimate Assam and Meghalaya FAQs
General questions
Q.Where are Assam and Meghalaya located?
They are located in the North-Eastern side of India
Q. Is it safe?
Yes. Assam and Meghalaya are extremely safe to travel to. Tourists are not affected by any kind of conflict till date.
Q. What about internal conflicts which we see and see read about in the media?
Those issues are not a regular thing. It’s the internal parts of the state. Tourism being one of the important sources of their GDP, they don’t really harm the tourists.
Q. Are ATM’s available there?
Yes. There are plenty of ATMs in Guwahati as well as in Shillong.
Q. How much money to carry and in what denomination?
The amount of money totally depends on your choice. Please carry small and medium denominations like ₹50, ₹100, ₹200. Avoid carrying larger denomination notes.
Network-related questions
Q. Is there proper network coverage?
Yes. Most parts of Assam and Meghalaya have flawless network coverage. Only areas like Dawki, Mawlynnong will have some issues. Otherwise there will be full 4G network in all places for Airtel, Vodafone and Jio.
Q. Will prepaid work or postpaid?
Both have a proper network
Meeting point related questions
Q. What is the starting point of the trip?
It’s in Guwahati – Paltan Bazar.
Q. How to reach Paltan Bazar ?
There are government buses running every 45 minutes from Guwahati airport to Paltan Bazar. You can hop into one of those. A ticket will cost you between ₹110-₹120.
Q. Will there be a TLOW representative at the airport?
No. He/She will directly meet you at Paltan Bazar.
Accommodation related questions
Q. What kind of accommodation will be provided?
We will be using homestays and guest houses all along the trip. And in Majuli, we will be staying in bamboos huts which is a one of a kind experience.
Q. Will the accommodation be clean?
Since no one in the world likes to keep their home untidy, it’s safe to say that every place we stay at will be clean and will give you a homely feel.
Q. Will we get a bed, blankets and pillows?
Yes, at every place we stay at you’ll get a blanket, a pillow and if not a bed then surely a mattress to sleep on.
Q. Will the rooms be based on gender or mixed?
It will be girls in a separate room and boys in a separate room, for all those backpacking solo.
Food-related questions
Q. Why is food not included?
Since this is a backpacking trip, we want to leave the eating for you’ll to explore on your own. You’ll never go hungry in the North East.
Q. What kind of food should we expect to get?
In Guwahati and Shillong, you’ll get everything from pizzas, burgers, dosas, etc as there are plenty of good restaurants. While in other places, it’s the basic Veg and Non-Veg Thali with a local taste.
Solo backpacking related questions
Q. Is it okay if I enroll solo for a trip?
Yes, it’s absolutely fine to enroll solo. All our trips have 70% solo travellers who enroll.
Q. What if I don’t get along with the other backpackers?
If no one talks to you, don’t worry our TLOW team members will be your friend and give you an experience of a lifetime.
Travel related questions
Q. What will be our mode of transportation?
As per the blueprint, it will be a mix of local buses, local trains and shared jeeps.
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