Artwork at Yolo Cafe 2.0 and the Tlow logo
The logo is Everything that has existed on planet Earth has had a name to be a part of history or be remembered. Since we have a cafe as well, there was nothing stopping us from naming it Yolo Cafe 2.0 with a similar concept as the first one which is set up in the North of India at Kasol so the series is sure to continue with the aim that we have.
Why Not!!?? It’s the easiest part but the most crucial part to have a catchy name along with a suitable name for the cafe which is easy to remember and also pronounce and also relatable to every human.
This is quite an exclusive name so even the font had to be relatively special with regards to the Galaxy Masterpiece that was made on the ceiling with shades of blue and green.
Where Logo?
The ceilings were covered with mixed colors that made up for the Galaxy whilst the front and the side walls were to be used for word art, outside walls are used for hand art. So the only wall I could use was the wall behind the kitchen setup on the left side of the cafe, right in the centre of the same wall.
How the logo was made?
This time again the walls were too high and I was unable to reach out to these places to cover the artwork.
It has always been freehand and wild style for me especially whenever anyone has asked me to create something of my own! I wouldn’t even wanna take a reference at times.
So I start with the spray cans right away and make outlines for it. A fellow employee helped me as I climbed a wobbly ladder and patiently held tight as I scribbled in the beginning on the same wall. Eventually It did not look elegant nor did it look cool. Our aim is to be the coolest of them all.
Time limit for the logo
I had limited paints back then and had to complete it within the same day since it was getting ready for the launch day. Quickly I imagined and figured an image in my mind and went all out for it, with a galaxy on my head I had to complement this with some blue colored bubbly font and also a tlow logo beside it.Without any extras to be added only Yolo was written and then we moved to the upper right corner of this huge wall to write Cafe 2.0
The word Cafe was easy to write but since the lines of these spray cans were a little thick compared to the regular hand brushes I’ve been using the word Cafe covered the whole chunk of that wall.
In the middle of the crisis, it’s been amazing to make such amazing designs and trying new fonts which are easy for every human to read and also getting the opportunity to implement new textures has been great.
Yolo is an experience. It’s an illusion. It has created an environment and an ecosystem that caters to the backpacking community and all those who wish to wander to places to experience fulfilment and something more out of life everyday. Soon after making the Yolo cafe 2.0 logo just beside it, I made the tlow logo which was quite important and easy to make as it’s a compass with a creative design that consists of the initials of the brand.
Gave it the complete black finish that it required and the final line was completed by using a brush that stated “powered by”
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I was browsing over the internet for some information since yesterday night and I finally found this! This is a terrific website by the way. Really like the art work done.