Known for its eclectic mix of clothing, accessories, jewelry, and handicrafts.

Offers an extensive range of trendy and affordable clothing and accessories.

Known for its fresh produce, spices, and wholesale good.

Famous for its fashion boutiques, street stalls, and budget shopping options.

Another popular destination for fashion enthusiasts, offering a mix of street shops and branded stores.

Offers a range of clothing, accessories, and electronic goods at reasonable prices.

Known for its vibrant atmosphere and a variety of shops selling clothing, accessories, and home decor items.

Famous for its vast selection of gold, silver, and diamond jewelry

Offers a variety of clothing, accessories, and home decor items, including designer boutiques and street-side stall

Famous for its wide range of fabrics, both traditional and contemporary.

Known for its vibrant display of flowers and wholesale flower prices.

India's largest electronics market, offering a wide range of electronic goods and accessories.

Known for its selection of artificial and imitation jewelry

Known for its collection of artificial jewelry, clothing, and home decor items.

Offers a range of clothing, accessories, and electronic goods at reasonable prices.