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Biryani and friend chicken

15 Must Have Street Food In Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu

Tiruppur, a bustling city in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is well-known for its thriving textile industry. However, what many people don’t know is that it also offers a delightful array of street food that tantalizes taste buds and showcases the region’s rich culinary heritage.

From mouthwatering Idli and Vada served with spicy sambar and coconut chutney to flavorful Biryani and crispy dosas, Tiruppur’s street food scene is a must-try for food enthusiasts visiting the city. Don’t forget to savor the local sweets like Jilebi and hot cups of filter coffee to complete your gastronomic journey through Tiruppur’s vibrant streets.

See also  15 Fun Weekend Trips From Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu

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