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toddler flight

8 superb ways to entertain toddler during a flight

Entertaining a toddler on a flight can be challenging, but here are some tips to help make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your child:

1. Pack a variety of snacks and drinks:

Bring along your child’s favorite snacks and drinks to keep them happy and satisfied during the flight.

2. Bring small, quiet toys for toddler:

Pack a few small toys that don’t make noise, such as coloring books, stickers, or small puzzles, to keep your toddler entertained.

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3. Download their favorite shows or games:

Before the flight, download your kid’s favorite shows, games, or interactive apps on a tablet or phone to keep them occupied.

toddler flight

4. Bring headphones:

Make sure to pack child-friendly headphones so your child can watch their shows or play games without disturbing other passengers.

5. Take breaks to walk around:

If possible, take your kid for short walks up and down the aisle to stretch their legs and burn off some energy.

6. Pack comfort items:

Bring along comfort items such as a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or pacifier to help your kid feel secure and calm during the flight.

toddler flight

7. Engage in interactive play:

Play simple games with your toddler, such as I Spy, Simon Says, or counting games, to keep them engaged and entertained.

See also  Tips for travelling with your adult children 

8. Be prepared for nap time:

Bring along a travel pillow or blanket to help your toddler get comfortable and hopefully take a nap during the flight.

Remember to be patient and flexible during the flight, and try to stay calm if your toddler becomes restless or fussy. With some planning and creativity, you can help keep your toddler entertained and happy during the flight.

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