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3N/4D Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu awesome blueprint

Kodaikanal is a beautiful hill station located in the state of Tamil Nadu, India.

Here’s a suggested 3-night/4-day blueprint for visiting the hill station:

Day 1:

– Arrive in Kodaikanal and check into your hotel/accommodation.

– Visit the Lake. Take a boat ride, enjoy the scenic views, and walk around the lake.


– Explore Bryant Park and the Boat Club.

– Visit the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory.

Day 2 in Kodaikanal:

– Start your day at Coaker’s Walk, a scenic 1-km walking path with panoramic views.

– Visit the Solar Car Exhibition.

– Explore the Suicide Point and enjoy the stunning vistas.

– Visit the American University Mission and Church.

– Spend some time at the Pasteur Institute.


Day 3:

– Take a day trip to Berijam Lake, a picturesque freshwater lake surrounded by pine forests.

– Visit Kurinji Andavar Temple, known for its purple flowers that bloom once every 12 years.

– Explore the Trekking Trail and see the Pambar Falls.

– Visit the Silver Cascade Falls, a beautiful tiered waterfall.


Day 4:

– Start your day early and visit the Dolphins Nose Viewpoint to catch the sunrise.

– Explore the charming town market and pick up some local handicrafts and snacks.

– Visit the Golf Club and enjoy a round of golf (if interested).

– Before departing, you can also visit the Thalaiyar Falls, a hidden gem.

This blueprint covers the major attractions and sights in Kodaikanal, allowing you to experience the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and scenic landscapes of this hill station. You can adjust the itinerary based on your interests and pace.

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