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Bhandardara lake

21 superb facts about Bhandardara, Maharashtra

Bhandardara is a hill station located in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, India. It is situated at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level and is surrounded by the Western Ghats mountains. The place is known for its stunning natural beauty, with lush green forests, waterfalls, and hills. The region is also home to several ancient temples and forts, including the famous Ratangad Fort.

It is a popular destination for trekking, camping, and adventure sports like paragliding and rock climbing. The town has a relaxed atmosphere and offers a range of accommodation options from budget-friendly hotels to luxury resorts. The local cuisine is a mix of Maharashtrian and Indian flavors, with popular dishes like vada pav and misal pav.

Facts about Bhandardara

1. Location: Bhandardara is a hill station located in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, India.

2. Elevation: It is situated at an elevation of 700 meters above sea level.

3. Accessibility: The town is connected to the city of Nashik by road and is about 185 km away from Pune.

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4. History: It has a rich history dating back to the 13th century, with evidence of human settlement found in the area.

5. Ratangad Fort: The town is home to the historic Ratangad Fort, which was built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the 17th century.

Bhandardara lake

6. Umbrella Falls: The Umbrella Falls, also known as the Gora Falls, is a popular tourist attraction in Bhandardara.

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7. Waterfalls: It is home to several waterfalls, including Umbrella Falls, Randha Falls, and Bembhe Khind Falls.

Adventure stuff

8. Trekking trails: The town has several trekking trails that offer stunning views of the surrounding hills and valleys.

9. Paragliding: It is a popular destination for paragliding enthusiasts, with several operators offering flights over the valley.

10. Camping: The town has several campsites that offer comfortable accommodations and stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Bhandardara lake view

11. Shivsagar Lake: Shivsagar Lake is a popular picnic spot in Bhandardara, offering stunning views of the surrounding hills.

12. Harishchandragad Fort: The Harishchandragad Fort is another historic fort in the area that offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

13. Krishna Darshan Temple: The Krishna Darshan Temple is a popular temple in the place that offers stunning views of the surrounding hills.

14. Nasik Expressway: Bhandardara is connected to the city of Nashik via the Nasik Expressway, making it easily accessible by road.

15. Ghantadurg Fort: The Ghantadurg Fort is a historic fort located near Bhandardara that offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.


16. Bhandardara Hill Station: The town is often referred to as a “hidden gem” due to its offbeat location and stunning natural beauty.

Good times

17. Tourist season: The best time to visit Bhandardara is from September to May, when the weather is pleasant and mild.

18. Weather: The town experiences a mild climate year-round, with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F).

19. Vegetation: The town is surrounded by lush green forests and hills, making it a haven for nature lovers.

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20. Wildlife: Bhandardara is home to several species of flora and fauna, including monkeys, snakes, and birds.


21. Tourist attractions: Apart from its natural beauty and historical significance, Bhandardara has several tourist attractions like temples, forts, waterfalls, and lakes that make it a popular destination for tourists.

These facts highlight the rich history, natural beauty, and adventure opportunities that await visitors in Bhandardara!

Bhandardara is also a great base for exploring other nearby attractions like Shirdi, Nasik, and the Ajanta and Ellora caves. The region has a rich cultural heritage and history, with many ancient temples and monuments to explore. Overall, Bhandardara is a great destination for nature lovers, adventure seekers, and those looking to experience the rich culture and history of Maharashtra.

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