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June 25, 2024
Kalsubai trek

Kalsubai Trek: A Challenging Climb to the Highest Peak in Maharashtra

Located in the Western Ghats, Kalsubai Peak is the highest peak in Maharashtra, standing at an impressive 1,646 meters above sea level. The Kalsubai Trek is a challenging climb that requires physical fitness and mental toughness, but offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and hills. In this blog, we’ll take you through the trekking […]


5 Best Cancun All-Inclusive Resorts for June 2024

Cancun, nestled on the Caribbean coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, is a paradise for travelers seeking sun, sand, and sea. Renowned for its vibrant nightlife, stunning turquoise waters, and luxurious accommodations, Cancun is particularly famous for its all-inclusive resorts. As you plan your getaway for June 2024, consider these top five all-inclusive resorts, each offering […]

Hemis Monastery

20 Interesting facts about Hemis Monastery in Ladakh

Located in the heart of Ladakh, India, Hemis Monastery is one of the most famous and revered Buddhist monasteries in the region. Founded in 1672 by the Ladakhi king, Sengge Namgyal, this Gelugpa (Yellow Hat) sect monastery is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Tibetan Buddhism. Spiritual Significance Hemis Monastery is considered a […]

a brown concrete building

15 Fun things you can do in Harda, Madhya Pradesh

Harda is a city and a municipality in Harda district in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It is located in the Nimar region of the state, about 45 kilometers from the district headquarters of Khiriya. Harda has a rich cultural heritage and is known for its historical significance, with archaeological sites dating back to […]

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