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Malshej ghat

15 Fun must do things near Malshej Ghat, Maharashtra

Malshej Ghat is a mountain pass located in the Thane district of Maharashtra, India. It is a popular trekking destination, known for its scenic beauty and diverse wildlife. The pass is situated at an elevation of around 700 meters above sea level, and it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys.

Malshej Ghat is surrounded by dense forests, which are home to a variety of flora and fauna. The area is also home to several ancient temples and fortifications, including the famous Malshej Fort. The fort was built in the 12th century and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

The trek to Malshej Ghat is considered moderate to challenging, and it typically takes around 4-5 hours to complete. The trek involves ascending steep hills and navigating through dense forests, but the views from the top are well worth the effort. Along the way, trekkers can spot a variety of wildlife, including leopards, wild boars, and over 100 species of birds.

Malshej Ghat is also a popular destination for adventure activities such as rock climbing, rappelling, and zip lining. The area is surrounded by several rivers and waterfalls, making it an ideal spot for camping and picnicking.

Overall, Malshej Ghat is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers who want to experience the beauty of Western India’s natural landscape.

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