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10 superb places to visit in Kodaikanal over the weekend

Kodaikanal is a beautiful hill station in Tamil Nadu, India, known for its scenic beauty, lakes, and waterfalls. It’s a popular destination for weekend trips from Chennai, Bangalore, and other nearby cities. Here are some ideas for a weekend trip:

Day 1 in Kodaikanal:

  • Morning: Start your journey from Chennai/Bangalore and reach Kodaikanal by evening.
  • Afternoon: Check-in to your hotel and freshen up.
  • Evening: Visit the famous Lake and enjoy the sunset.
  • Night: Explore the local market and try some street food.

Day 2:

  • Morning: Visit the Bryant Park, a beautiful botanical garden with a wide range of flowers and trees.
  • Afternoon: Go to the Dolphin’s Nose, a unique rock formation that offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Evening: Visit the Coakers Walk, a scenic walkway that offers breathtaking views of the valley.
  • Night: Enjoy a romantic dinner at a local restaurant.

Other Activities:

  • Boating in the Kodaikanal Lake
  • Hiking to the top of the Palani Hills
  • Visiting the Kurinji Andavar Temple
  • Exploring the Kodaikanal Museum
  • Enjoying the scenic views from the Pillar Rocks

Best Time to Visit: Kodaikanal is a year-round destination, but the best time to visit is from September to November or from January to February.

How to Reach: Kodaikanal is about 120 km from Madurai and 450 km from Chennai. You can take a bus or drive from these cities to reach Kodaikanal.

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Accommodation: There are many hotels and resorts in Kodaikanal that offer comfortable stays. You can book in advance to avoid last-minute hassles.



  • Carry warm clothing as it can get chilly in the evenings.
  • Wear comfortable shoes for hiking and trekking.
  • Don’t forget to carry sunscreen and hats for sun protection.
  • Try some local cuisine like idlis, dosas, and vadas.
  • Be respectful of local customs and traditions.
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Budget: The budget for a weekend trip to Kodaikanal depends on your travel style and accommodation choices. Here’s an approximate breakdown:

  • Transportation: ₹1,500 – ₹3,000
  • Accommodation: ₹2,000 – ₹5,000
  • Food and drink: ₹500 – ₹1,000
  • Activities: ₹500 – ₹1,000
  • Total: ₹4,500 – ₹9,000

Overall, Kodaikanal is a great destination for a weekend trip from Chennai or Bangalore. It offers stunning natural beauty, exciting activities, and a relaxing atmosphere.

Here are some of the top places to visit in Kodaikanal over a weekend:

1. Kodai Lake –

This star-shaped, man-made lake is the centerpiece of Kodaikanal and a popular spot for boating, horse-riding, and enjoying the scenic views.

2. Coaker’s Walk –

A 1-mile pedestrian pathway that offers panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys.

3. Silver Cascade Falls –

A picturesque waterfall located about 5 km from the main town.

4. Pillar Rocks in Kodaikanal-

Huge, vertical rock formations that offer stunning vistas of the hills and valleys.

5. Kurinji Andavar Temple –

A Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, known for its beautiful architecture.

6. Bryant Park –

A well-maintained botanical garden with vibrant flowers, a butterfly conservatory, and a solar observatory.

7. Vaigai Dam –

An impressive concrete arch dam just 28 km from the place, with beautiful surrounding landscapes.


8. Berijam Lake –

A scenic pristine lake located amidst dense pine forests, perfect for trekking and nature walks.

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9. Shembaganur Museum of Natural History –

An interesting museum showcasing the rich flora and fauna of the Palani Hills.

10. Vattakanal Falls –

A serene waterfall located about 7 km from the main town, great for a short hike.

These are some of the top attractions that can be covered over a weekend in the place, allowing you to experience the natural beauty, history, and culture of this stunning hill station.

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